An increasing number of couples, especially in industrialized countries are finding conception more difficult and damaged babies more common.The research is quite clear that metals and chemicals in the air,water,food and health and beauty aids are damaging fertility in many ways.These toxicants are causing men to experience relentlessly decreasing sperm count and function while women are suffering progressively worse ANOVULATION, IMPAIRED IMPLANTATION,and loss of FETAL VIABILITY.
A significant cause of this progressive loss of fertility is increasing body load of environmental toxins in both men and women.
Environmental toxins cause infertility in basically 4 ways:
(I) Endocrine disruption (II)Damage to the female reproductive system.
(III)Damage to the male reproductive system.
(IV)Impaired fetal viability.
These damages decrease fertility.
The key Endocrine disruption impairing fertility is loss of blood-sugar control manifesting clinically, directly as metabolic syndrome and diabetes and indirectly as abdominal obesity, especially in men and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)in men with type 2 diabetes,as remarkable 33% suffer HYPOGONADISM.women with PCOS have substantially lower fertility and if they become pregnant, have substantially increased risk for gestational diabetes,pregnancy induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth and having their babies needing admission to neonatal intensive care and suffering perinatal mortality.
As a woman's blood levels of hexachlorocyclohexane,polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBS)and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT) increase,their fertility goes down.women with the highest levels of PCBS have a serious 50% decrease in the ability to get pregnant and if become pregnant are much more likely to miscarry.
Chlorination of drinking water was a huge public health success but also caused unexpected problems.This method of disinfection typically produces four trihalomethane(THM) compound:chloroform,
chlorodibromomethane &
bromoform, as well as other non-THM compounds.drinking chlorinated water is associated with an increased risk of STILL BIRTH.women drinking chlorinated water are more likely to deliver a child with smaller body length and small head circumference.
This brief editorial reveals just the tip of the iceberg of toxin induced fertility.simply consuming foods with a high pesticide level is enough to decrease fertility by a surprising amount.Environmental pollutants impair health and increases incidence of vertually every disease.
For More Info/Enquires Call👉08160792332.
CEO Your Health Factory with Grace Ferguson.
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