Discover How Being Overweight And Obesed Affect Fertility.

  Excess weight is linked to many adverse health consequences,but there is now growing understanding that it also affects fertility.

   A fine hormonal balance regulates the menstrual cycle.overweight and obesed women have higher levels of a hormone called LEPTIN,which is produced in fatty tissue.This can disrupt the hormone balance and lead to reduced fertility.
  The quantity and distribution of body fat affect the menstrual cycle through a range of hormonal mechanisms.The excess weight and the more abdominal fat, the greater the risk of fertility difficulties. 
  Excess weight, particularly excess abdominal fat,is linked to INSULIN resistance (when the body has to produce more insulin to keep blood sugar level normal)and decreased level of sex hormone binding GLOBULIN (SHBG),a protein that is involved in the regulation of the sex hormones ANDROGEN and OESTROGEN.
  This increases the risk if irregular menstrual cycles,which in turn reduces fertility.many women who carry excess weight still ovulate,but it appears the quantity of the eggs they produce is reduced.

  In men,obesity is also associated with lower fertility.this  is likely due to a combination of factors.these include hormone problems,sexual dyfunction and other health conditions linked to obesity such as type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea which are both associated with lowered testosterone levels and erectile problems.
  It is estimated carrying an extra 10 kilos reduces male fertility by 10%. obesity not only reduces sperm quality,it also changes the physical and molecular structure of sperm cells.
               THE GOOD NEWS
  While the facts about obesity and fertility can seem daunting,there is some good news too.weightloss intervention, particularly those that include both diet and exercise,can promote menstrual cycle regularly and improve the chance of obese women,even a modest weightloss improves fertility and the chance of concieving.
