An obvious cause of toxin exposure in the air is tobacco use.As might be expected,women smoking more than 10 cigarettes daily have reduced fertility.smoking also causes higher rates of ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous abortions,still births.
Cigarette smoking also decreases male fertility, resulting in decreased sperm density,total sperm count and number of motile sperm.
The problem is not just active choices but passive ones as well,such as living near a busy roadway.The closer a woman lives near a highway, the higher her rate of infertility.
As a woman, it's especially important to pay attention to your exposure,to and ingestion of environmental toxins,certain plastics, pesticides and chemicals when you're trying to conceive or are pregnant.
Research has proven that avoidance of pesticides and certain chemicals can increase rates of fertility and lower rates of cardiovascular diseases, immune system illness and cancer.
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